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Lexi Mayou
Attended Vogue Beauty College
in Elkhart, IN
How long have you been behind the chair...
Since 2019
Favorite Service... I can't pick a favorite, I love using all my skill to make my clients feel beautiful, and pampering them while they're in my chair.
What inspires me as a stylist... Seeing the confidence that women instantly have after getting out of my chair. There's nothing more rewarding to me. And I love learning from other stylists.
Outside of the salon I love to... Drive my Ford Bronco, Roller skate, binge Netflix, and love on my "Doodlebops".
Enneagram 6 - Sixes are defined by their desire for safety and security. They seek to anticipate and avoid risk, and to ally themselves with trustworthy authority figures and institutions.
Schedule: Mon, Wed, Thurs, 9-6, Fri 9-4
Some of Lexi's work...
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